Hide "Hidden devices"
When I Hide a device in FIbaro HC3, and look into the user settings (i made a user for the Rithum), i only see 5 lamps. But in the Rithum i see in the levels screen like 30. Rithum shows the Hidden devices. Would be nice if that devices where hidden then. Specialiy when 1 dimmer has 2 output options but only 1 is connected.
I cant delete the device from the Rithum, because it auto selects all the devices from the selected room. I thought the only option now is to change category to Other (Rithum only takes the Lights), but that doesnt work because you cant change the roll.
The only option now is to change the location of the device to a fake room to hide it, but that is not a nice option because in fact the location is different.
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