Extend standby timer
Ideally it could be configured to be always on, particularly if there is audio playing to be able to see the track.
That would be great! I agree to that always on function!
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Always on could cause a screen burn issue though?
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And reduce the life of the display in general. This is the primary reason we have not done it yet but we are considering the best approach. One option is to have it dimmed after a few minutes so you could still see it but the display would be operating at perhaps 50% brightness.
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This option sounds very good! The screen and layout are so nice, its a shame it's only black most of the time. ;-)
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it's my opinion, too!
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My WLAN router has an option, to turn off the display e.g. during the night. So i can chosse a time window where the display is off. Maybe that would also be an option for you.
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Please do this
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Maybe also create a standby view, less bright, displaying just a big clock, maybe current music, temperatures - should have a night mode too (like Amazon Echo)
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