This glossary defines the terms that Rithum use to describe various parts of our software.
- Scenes Screen - often seen as the home screen for Rithum which displays scenes that can be easily triggered by the user
- Scene or Scene Button - An individual scene/button on the scenes screen
- Scene Icons - The main centralised icon shown on a scene button
- Single Scene - A basic scene that triggers one scene from one integration
- Group Scene - A group containing multiple Child Scenes. A Group Scene can be configured in one of three modes called the Group Mode.
- Group Mode - the way a Group Scene is configured to function, which could be one of three options:
- Macro Mode - triggers all of the Child Scenes (in order) when the Group Scene is activated
- List Mode - shows a model containing all of the Child Scenes which can then be pressed as required when the Group Scene is pressed
- Step Mode - will move to the next Child Scene in the list each time the Group Scene is pressed
- Group Mode Symbols - Small, greyed, text-based symbols shown to the left of scene names on scene buttons and in the list of scenes in the scene settings to denote a) that the scene is a Group Scene, and b) which mode the Group Scene is configured in.
- Modal - the pop-up window shown on the screen in various scenarios
- Media Screen - accessible via the bottom Nav Tab and usually used to control audio systems.
- Navigation Tabs or Nav Tabs - the buttons on the edges of the interface used to navigate between screens
- Media Zone Filter or Zone Filter - a Pro feature that allows the restriction of which media zones a switch can access.
- Wake on New Track - a feature that will wake the display when enabled if the Media Screen is currently selected and the track meta data changes
- Climate Screen - accessible via the left Nat Tab and used to control climate systems such as those affecting heating and/or cooling
- Climate Scheduler Screen or Climate Scheduler - A 7-day scheduler for climate control that can be accessed via the left Nav Tab on the Climate Screen
- Rithum Stat - Rithum Switch's built in thermostatic software that allows Rithum Switch to function as a thermostat
- Plugin - a separate piece of software or app that can be added to a switch. A plugin can add support for one or more integrations or add extended functionality that is not necessarily integration based.
- Integration or Native Integration - generally refers to integration with a third party system for which there is usually a plugin that facilitates it
- Standby or Standby Screen - the black screen which is shown when a switch goes into standby
- Standby Gestures - basic actions that can be done when Rithum Switch is in standby (black screen) to trigger certain things. There are currently two gestures.
- Hold Gesture or Hold Standby Gesture - A Standby Gesture that is activated using a short (0.2s) hold on the Standby Screen
- Double Tap Gesture or Double Tap Standby Gesture - A Standby Gesture that is activated using a double tap on the Standby Screen
- Scene Provider - when an integration supports scenes on the scenes screen, it is a Scene Provider
- Gesture Provider - when an integration supports gestures, it is a Gesture Provider
- Climate Provider - when an integration supports the Climate Screen, it is a Climate Provider
- Media Provider - when an integration supports the Media Screen, it is a Media Provider
- HTTPviaSD - an integration that allows the loading of http requests onto scene buttons using a YAML file saved onto an SD card
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