One or more WiFi Shelly devices on the same network as Rithum Switch
Current Capabilities
Add each Shelly device to Rithum Switch. Allow a few seconds for discovered devices on the network to be listed, or add one by entering the IP address
- For each device, add scene buttons for control of the dimmer or relay for each available channel which can: turn on, turn off, or toggle
Add devices to the Levels Screen for on/off toggles and brightness sliders (where applicable) for each channel
- Select device on/off control for the screen-held standby gesture
- Configure labels for the device's channel(s) via the device settings in the Shelly phone app or local LAN web interface
The labels for Gen 2 devices will be shown on Rithum Switch as "<model type> <IP address>" due to the device name only being available via the cloud API. The label for Gen 1 devices can be configured via the device settings in the Shelly phone app or local LAN web interface. However, as of firmware version 3.10, it is possible to rename the Levels screen zones.
- Changes made externally from Rithum Switch can take up to 10 seconds to be reflected on the switch
- RGBW devices aren't currently supported
Current Version
General Release Start Date: 06/02/2024
In This Release:
Initial release
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